Bored during quarantine? Read below to find the top 10 things to do during quarantine.
1. Try a New Recipe
Do you like to cook? Or have you never tried cooking before? Either way, this is a great time for you to learn a new recipe. There are so many online recipes you can choose from. Try to aim for healthy foods to cook. Maybe change your entire diet to become healthier!
2. Connect With Your Friends
During quarantine, you can't go out to see your friends. Instead, try something new online.
Some new apps you can try:
1. FaceTime: If you have an iPhone, you probably already know this. Video chat with your friends.
2. Netflix Party: This installation allows you and your friends to watch Netflix at the same time! You can chat about it and share the fun together.
3. Houseparty: Chat with up to eight people and play fun games together.
3. Learn A New Language
There is no better time than now to learn a new language. It might be useful in the future when you travel!
Below are some free websites you can use to start learning.
1. Duolingo: This is one of the most popular language learning websites there are. Choose between levels and work up every day.
2. Rosetta Stone: This website is currently offering free learning courses for students during quarantine. Click now to learn.
4. Workout
Start a new fitness plan right at home. Keeping fit during quarantine is an important part of being healthier.
Choose from some free apps below to start exercising today.
1. WorkoutWomen: They are currently offering a free COVID-19 program just for you. Choose from dozens of short workouts to start.
2. FitOn: There are a lot of guided workouts for you to choose from. You can filter the workouts to find the one that's just right, or follow a fitness plan.
3. Nike Training Club: Straight from Nike. This free app allows you to follow guided workouts and become fitter.
5. Watch Netflix
Many of you probably do right now. Here are 5 Netflix shows that you can watch.
1. Tiger King
2. All American
3. Umbrella Academy
4. Stranger Things
5. 13 Reasons Why
6. Organize/Renovate Your House
If you have the money, try for renovating your house! If you are under a tight budget, organizing your house will give you a more comfortable and positive mindset.
7. Meditate
Calm your mind with meditation. You might feel anxious at this time, but meditating can help. Relax your body and enjoy.
Here are some meditating apps that you can use to start:
1. Oak
2. Calm
3. Headspace
8. Write A Blog/Journal
Writing down your thoughts can be difficult. But doing so can be a great stress reliever. Start writing down whatever you want, even stories, to take some of that stress off your shoulders.
You can turn your journal into a blog! Complete the form on our Be Inspired page to get featured on our blog page! You can give tips on how to get through quarantine, or right short stories to brighten up other people's days.
9. Make Masks
Making masks is a great contribution to our community. Not only can you protect yourself from the COVID-19, you can also protect others. If you are able, you can even make a lot of masks to donate to local hospitals or organizations!
Here is a video on how to make your own DIY masks:
10. Become vegetarian/vegan.
To most people, this can be a lot of work. Don't worry! Start small. Try Meatless Mondays, and avoid eating any animal meat on that day. After you are used to it, start extending it to two days a week. Being vegan or vegetarian can greatly benefit our environment.
Try to do some of these 10 things! If you do, be sure to post a picture of you doing it on Instagram and tag us @quarinspire and use the hashtag #quarinspire!
Make your own article and submit to our application form on our Be Inspired page.